Calibration and Sharpness


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Calibration and Sharpness

Forecasting the weather

Meteorologists make predictions about the weather every day. Some of these forecasts are probabilistic. For example, such a forecast might be an 80% chance of rain over the next 24 hours in some geographic area such as Dayton, Ohio.^[This is trickier to measure than it sounds, but let’s suppose for now that we can reliably determine if it rained in a given area within a given period of time.] We can’t tell much about the meteorologist from a single forecast and single outcome—if it rains, we have a bit more faith in the forecaster and if it doesn’t, a bit less faith.

Suppose we have 100 days on which the meteorologist predicted an 80% chance of rain. Let’s further suppose, for the sake of this thought experiment, that the chance of rain is independent on those 100 days.^[In reality, weather in neighboring regions is related, as is weather hour to hour and day to day.] How many days do we expect to be rainy? About 80. But we don’t expect that number to be exact, because we are dealing in probabilities. If there really was an independent 80% chance of rain on 100 days, we would expect the distribution of rainy days to be \(\mbox{binomial}(100, 0.8)\).

Another forecast we consider is temperature. Let’s say we’re forecasting the temperature at noon on February 1, 2019 on Bondi Beach in Sydney. A probabilistic forecast of temperature might take the form that there’s a 90% chance the high temperature will be between 20.1 and 24.8 degrees celsius. We can consider calibration of such a forecast in terms of its event probabilities, just like the chance of rain. That 90% forecast is still very broad. A sharper forecast is one with a narrower interval, such as \((22.3, 23.4)\). Given two calibrated forecasts, a sharper forecaster is preferable as it provides more information. For binary events, like rain or not rain, we’d prefer the probability forecasts to be as close to 0 or 1 as possible.



With statistical models, forecasts take on the form of posterior probability distributions conditioned on some observed data.

Given a prior distribution \(p(\theta)\) and sampling function \(p(y \mid \theta)\), we observe data \(y\) and calculate a posterior distribution over the model’s parameters with density \(p(\theta \mid y)\). Although the posterior is a distribution, we calculate it by means of a finite number of simulated values \(\theta^{(1)}, \ldots, \theta^{(M)}\).

A posterior distribution provides probability statements about the parameters \(\theta\) conditioned on observing data \(y\). For example, they provide interval probabilities, such as \(\mbox{Pr}[\theta > 0.5 \mid y]\) or \(\mbox{Pr}[0.21 < \theta < 0.32 \mid y]\).

We would like these event probabilities to be calibrated in the sense that if \(\mbox{Pr}[\theta > 0.5]\), then there is a 50% chance that \(\theta\) is greater than 0.5.

If our model has a prior distribution with density \(p(\theta)\) and a sampling distribution with probability function \(p(y \mid \theta)\), then the posterior density is \(p(\theta \mid y)\).

The posterior distributiondensity \(p(\theta \mid y)\) given data \(y\) and model parameters \(\theta\) provides predictions about the value of \(\theta\)

Inference provides posterior draws \(\theta^{(m)}\) drawn according to the posterior density Given some observed data \(y\) and a model \(p(y \mid \theta) \times p(\theta)\) with parameters \(\theta\), our inference

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