Floating Point Arithmetic


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Floating Point Arithmetic

Contemporary^[Contemporary being 2019 as of this writing.] computers use floating-point representations of real numbers and thus perform arithmetic on floating-point representations.

What is a floating point number?

A bit is the smallest discrete representational unit in a computer—it takes on a value of 0 or 1.^[A byte consists of a sequence of 8 bits. The natural computing unit is a word, the size of which is hardware dependent, but most computers nowadays (it’s still 2019) use 64-bit, or 8-byte words.] Floating point numbers are most commonly represented using 32 or 64 bits, which are known as single precision and double precision respectively.^[Modern machine learning floating point representations go as low as 8 bits and high-precision applied mathematical calculations may use 1024 bits or more.]

Finite, not-a-number, and infinite values

A floating point number consists of a fixed number of bits for a significand \(a\) and a fixed number of bits for the exponent \(b\) to represent the real number \(a \times 2^b\). The significand determines the precision of results and the exponent the range of possible results.^[This exponent causes the decimal place to float, giving the representation its name.] The significand may be negative in order to represent negative values. The exponent may be negative in order to represent fractions. Both the significand and exponent are represented using a single bit for a sign and the remaining bits for the value in binary representation. Standard double-precision (i.e., 64 bit) representations allocate 53 bits for the significand and 11 bits for the exponent.^[Zuras, D., Cowlishaw, M., Aiken, A., Applegate, M., Bailey, D., Bass, S., Bhandarkar, D., Bhat, M., Bindel, D., Boldo, S. and Canon, S., 2008. *IEEE Standard 754-2008 (floating-point arithmetic).]

The standard also sets aside three special values, not a number for ill-defined results, e.g., dividing zero by zero, positive infinity for infinite results, e.g., dividing one by zero, and negative infinity for negative infinity, e.g., dividing negative one by zero.^[Technically, there are two forms of not-a-number and often two forms of zero, but these distinctions are irrelevant in statistical applications.] These are all specified to have the expected behavior with arithmetic and comparison operators and built-in functions.^[Not-a-number typically propagates, but there are some subtle interactions of not-a-number and comparison operators because comparisons return integers in most languages.]


Floating point numbers are written in computer programs using literals, which can be integers such as 314, floating point numbers such as 3.14, and scientific notation such as 0.314e+1. Scientific notation uses decimal notation, where e+n denotes multiplication by \(10^n\) and e-n by \(10^{-n}\). Multiplication by \(10^n\) shifts the decimal place \(n\) places to the right; multiplication by \(10^{-n}\) shifts left by \(n\) places. For example, 0.00314e+3, 314e+2, and 3.14 are just different literals representing the same real number, \(3.14\).

Machine precision and rounding

If we add two positive numbers, we get a third number that’s larger than each of them. Not so in floating point. Evaluating

1 == 1 + 10^-16

produces the surprising result

printf("%s", 1 == 1 + 10^-16)

When we add 1 and \(10^{-16}\), we get 1. This is not how arithmetic is supposed to work. We should get 1.0000000000000001.

The problem turns out to be that there’s only so close to 1 we can get with a floating point number. Unlike with actual real numbers, where there is always another number between any two non-identical numbers, floating point numbers come with discrete granularity. The closest we can get to one is determined by the number of non-sign sigificand bits, or \(2^{-52} \approx 2.2 \times 10^{-16}\). This is known as the machine precision of the representation. Writing out in decimal rather than binary, the largest number smaller than one is

\[1 - 2^{-52} = 0.\underbrace{999999999999999}_{\mbox{15 nines}}7,\]

whereas the smallest number greater than one is

\[1 + 2^{-52} \approx 1.\underbrace{000000000000000}_{\mbox{15 zeros}}2.\]

This numerical granularity and subsequent rounding of expressions like 1 + 1e-20 to one is a serious problem that we have to fight in all of our simulation code.

Underflow and overflow

The most common problem we run into with statistical computing with floating point is underflow. If we try to represent something like a probability, we quickly run out of representational power. Simply consider evaluating \(N = 2\,000\) Bernoulli draws with a 50% chance of success,

p = 1
for (n in 1:N)
  p *= bernoulli(y[n] | 0.5)
print 'prob = ' p

The result should be \(0.5^{2000}\). What do we get?

N <- 2000
theta <- 0.5
p <- 1
for (n in 1:N)
  p = p * dbinom(1, 1, theta)
printf('prob = %1.0f\n', p)

The result is exactly zero.^[It’s not just rounding in the printing.] What’s going on?

Just as there’s a smallest number greater than one, there’s a smallest number greater than zero. That’s the smallest positive floating point number. This number is defined by taking the largest magnitude negative number for the exponent and the smallest number available for the significand. For the double-precision floating point in common use, the number is about \(10^{-300}\).^[\(10^{-322}\) can be represented, but \(10^{-323}\) underflows to zero.]

Working on the log scale

Because of the everpresent threat of underflow in statistical calculations, we almost always work on the log scale. Let’s try that calculation again, only now, rather than calculating

\[\begin{array}{rcl} p(y \mid \theta = 0.5) & = & \prod_{n=1}^{2000} p(y_n \mid \theta = 0.5) \\[6pt] & = & \prod_{n=1}^{2000} \mbox{bernoulli}(y_n \mid 0.5) \\[6pt] & = & \prod_{n=1}^{2000} 0.5 \\[6pt] & = & 0.5^{2000}, \end{array}\]

we’ll be calculating the much less troublesome

\[\begin{array}{rcl} \log p(y \mid \theta = 0.5) & = & \log \prod_{n=1}^{2000} p(y_n \mid \theta = 0.5) \\[6pt] & = & \sum_{n=1}^{2000} \log p(y_n \mid 0.5) \\[6pt] & = & \sum_{n=1}^{2000} \log \mbox{bernoulli}(y_n \mid 0.5) \\[6pt] & = & \sum_{n=1}^{2000} \log 0.5 \\[6pt] & = & 2000 \times \log 0.5. \end{array}\]

We can verify that it works by coding it up.

log_p = 0
for (n in 1:N)
  log_p += bernoulli(y[n] | 0.5)
print 'prob = ' log_p

We have replaced the variable p representing the probability with a variable log_p representing the log probability. Where p was initialized to \(1\), log_p is initialized to \(\log 1 = 0\). Where the probability of each case was multiplied into the total, the log probability is added to the total. Let’s see what happens with \(N = 2000\).

N <- 2000
theta <- 0.5
log_p <- 0
for (n in 1:N)
  log_p = log_p + dbinom(1, 1, theta, log = TRUE)
printf('prob = %5.1f\n', log_p)

The result is indeed \(2000 \times \log 0.5 \approx -1386.29\), as expected. Now we’re in no danger of overflow even with a very large \(N\).

Logarithms of sums of exponentiated terms

When we take a logarithm, it is well known that it converts multiplication into addition, so that

\[\log \left( u \times v \right) \ = \log u + \log v.\]

But what if we have \(\log u\) and \(\log v\) and want to produce $$\log (u

\[\log \left( u + v \right) \ = \ \log \left( \exp(\log u) + \exp(\log v) \right).\]

In words, it takes the logarithm of the sum of exponentiations. This may seem like a problematic amount of work, but there’s an opportunity here, as well. By rearranging terms, we have

\[\log (\exp(a) + \exp(b)) \ = \ \max(a, b) + \log (\exp(a - \max(a, b)) + \exp(b - \max(a, b))).\]

This may seem like even more work, but when we write it out in code, it’s less daunting and serves the important purpose of preventing overflow or underflow.

log_sum_exp(u, v)
  c = max(u, v)
  return c + log(exp(u - c) + exp(v - c))

Because \(c\) is computed as the maximum of \(u\) and \(v\), we know that $$u

If we have a vector, it works the same way, only the vectorized pseudocode is neater. If u is an input vector, then we can compute the log sum of exponentials as

  c = max(u)
  return c + log(exp(u - c))

This is how we calculate the average of a sequence of values whose logarithms are known.

  M = size(log_u)
  c = max(log_u)
  return -log(M) + c + log(exp(log_u - c))

Failure of basic arithmetic laws and comparison

Because of the need to round to a fixed precision result, floating point arithmetic does not satisfy basic transitivity or distributivity laws of arithmetic.^[In general, we cannot rely on any of \(u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w,\) \(u \times (v \times w) = (u \times v) \times w, \ \mbox{or}\), \(u \times (v + w) = u \times v = u \times w.\)]

One surprising artifact of this is rounding, where we can have \(u + v = u\), even for strictly positive values of \(u\) and \(v\). For example, \(u = 1\) and \(v = 10^{-20}\) have this property, as do \(u = 0\) and \(v = 10^{-350}.\)

The upshot is that we have to be very careful when comparing two floating point numbers, because even though pure mathematics might guarantee the equality of two expressions, they may not evaluate to the same result in floating point arithmetic. Instead, we need to compare floating-point numbers within tolerances.

With absolute tolerances, we replace exact comparisons with comparisons such as abs(u - v) < 1e-10. This tests that u and v have values within \(10^{-10}\) of each other. This isn’t much use if the numbers are themselves much larger or much smaller than \(10^{-10}\).

There are many ways to code relative tolerances. One common approach is to use 2 * abs(u - v) / (abs(u) + abs(v)) < 1e-10. For example, the numers \(10^{-11}\) and \(10^{-12}\) are within an absolute tolerance of \(10^{-10}\) of each other,

\[\begin{array}{rcl} \left| 10^{-11} - 10^{-12} \right| & = & 9 \times 10^{-12} \\[2pt] & < & 10^{-10} \end{array}\]

but they are not within a relative tolerance of \(10^{-10}\),

\[\begin{array}{rcl} \frac{\displaystyle 2 \times \left| 10^{-11} - 10^{-12} \right|} {\displaystyle \left| 10^{-11} \right| + \left| 10^{-12} \right|} & \approx & 1.63 \\[6pt] & > & 10^{-10}. \end{array}\]

Loss of precision

Once we have precision, we have to work very hard not to lose it. Even simple operations like subtraction are frought with peril. When taking differences of two very close numbers, there can be an arbitrary amount of loss of precision.^[When the loss of precision is great relative to the total precision, this is called catastrophic cancellation.] As a simple example, consider

\[\begin{array}{rr} & 0.7595127881504595 \\ - & 0.7595127881504413 \\ \hline & 0.0000000000000182 \end{array}\]

We started with two numbers with 15 digits of precision and are somehow left with only 3 digits of precision. In statistical computing, this problem arises in calculating variances, which involve differences of variates from the mean—when variance is low relative to the mean, catastrophic cancellation may arise.

Key Points